Marketing Objectives

"marketing objective is what business wants to achieve in its goal when promoting its product Marketing objectives are goals set by a business when promoting its products or services to potential consumers that should be achieved within a given time frame. In other words, marketing objectives are the marketing strategy set in order to achieve the overall organizational objectives. A company's marketing objectives for a particular product might include increasing product awareness among targeted consumers, providing information about product features and reducing consumer resistance to buying the product." -

here are my own goals

• increase the number of end user of target age of 12 year old plus by 50% within 9 mouths

i would like to see the users of my game increase and enjoy it.

• maximise the skills i have to use and promote with in 2 years

i want to have the skills to help make more and better games and use them to sell myself to get a job

• grow my business Instagram followers by 5k but Q1 2021

i feel with more games having a better online Digital Presence would help promote them 2020. [online] Available at: <https:"" academy="" lesson="" what-are-marketing-objectives-examples-lesson-quiz.html=""> [Accessed 12 March 2020].</https:><https:"" academy="" lesson="" what-are-marketing-objectives-examples-lesson-quiz.html=""></https:>

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