Web Marketing

Technique – AIDA

AIDA stands for:

• A - Attention

• I - Interest

• D - Desire

• A – Action

(AIDA (marketing), 2020)

using this acronym it will help me with my goals for marketing using it mostly in my web marketing.

• Attention – my website must grab the person's attention it should stick out,

• Interest – once I have my target end users I must keep them there

• Desire – my end user must have the sense that they need this game.

• Action – once the end users id desiring my game there need to be an easy place for them to get their hand on the game

I’ll use Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to help push my website up the search rankings, but ill need to have a good-looking website with the right amount of information on the games to keep the interest of my end user. With a zero budget I can’t use services like Display Media Advertising as that’s something I would have to pay for. Keeping with legal Regulations I won’t use images that are used by other games to falsely promote my game, I can promote my game on Facebook and Instagram using hashtags which will link back to my game.

En.wikipedia.org. 2020. AIDA (Marketing). [online] Available at: <https: en.wikipedia.org="" wiki="" aida_(marketing)=""> [Accessed 10 March 2020].</https:>

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